The Secret to Dividing Household Chores – Deep Cleaning Service
Housework is an inevitable part of life, which is why you need to know the secret to dividing household chores. Housework has the tendency to feel endless, whether or not you have a day job. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, even though millions of women are now working full time, 48% are still stuck with most of the house work. That leaves only 1/5th of men who contribute to a fair division of household chores. You might remember hearing about this disparity in our 10 weird facts about cleaning article.

However, all couples are different. And whether you’re in a partnership or have a roommate, the brunt of the burden usually falls on one person. Yet research has shown that a fair division of household chores pays off in the long run because it creates a more harmonious atmosphere. So how do you go begin to instill a fair division of household chores, in a way that makes everyone comfortable? Well, you’re about to find out!
How To Divide Chores Effectively
Play Your Strong Suit
The economics of life is all about how you allocate your precious resources, and the only way to do it effectively is to be smart about it. This doesn’t mean you have to split everything 50/50. In reality, it means dividing cleaning chores according to what you do well– at least what you do well relative to your roommate or partner. Knowing what you’re good at and sticking to it will cut out the process of negotiation entirely, leaving you with more energy for flawless execution.

This means that it’s time to stop asking your partner or roommate to do something on principle. Chances are, you’ll end up re-doing it later because you’re “better at it”. Admitting what you are both good at will ultimately free up your time and cause you to expend less negative energy. So, if your partner doesn’t mind doing laundry and you don’t mind unloading the dishwasher– you’re set!
Compromise, Compromise, Compromise!
This one is going to be hard. However, as you know- nagging doesn’t get you anywhere. Though it may be a Band-Aid solution in the short term, your partner or roommate will carry out their tasks begrudgingly, which doesn’t make it a great long-term solution. At the end of the day, if someone is not inclined towards a certain chore, the only thing to do is accept. This goes back to playing your strong suit. Would you want to do a chore that you hate, and were bad at? No, no you wouldn’t. Ultimately, it’s important to remember that concessions and compromises are a part of life. So learn which battles you want to fight, and pick accordingly!

Communication is Key
Everyone’s mind works differently, which is why communication can be so difficult. You’ll say one thing, and your partner or roommate will interpret it as something else. So when it comes to cleaning, you need to be very clear on what you expect if you want a fair division of household chores. What do you define as clutter? What do you expect the kitchen sink to look like? When you lay out your expectations and get on the same page, you’ll find that it’s easier to avoid conflict down the line.

Split the Bad Stuff
What about those pesky cleaning tasks that no one wants to do? Unfortunately, the gross, the hard and the tedious jobs still need to get done. If you both hate doing something, it’s not fair that the burden falls on you. The solution? Take turns or do it together! It sounds so simple, but it is truly the best way to achieve a fair division of household chores. As we learned in childhood, turn taking is the ultimate path to fairness!

Don’t Forget the Kids!
Allowing kids to get in on household chores has so many positive benefits, it’s shocking that more parents don’t make it happen. Not only will delegating chores to your kids make your cleaning job easier, it’s good for their psychological health in the long run. In fact, kids who do their own dishes, laundry and general clean up will have an easier time transitioning into adulthood. So don’t feel bad- you’re doing them a favour. Check out our other article for tips on how to start implementing clean-up routines in your children’s lives!

Admit When You Need Help
Though you are definitely a super-human that can handle any task- sometimes, you just don’t have the time or energy. Plus, if you find yourself in a situation where your partner or roommate simply will not budge on the cleaning- you have a problem. The solution? It may be time to hire a cleaning service. Because, if you have the financial means, why should you break your back everyday of week to keep your place in shape? If you can handle the day to day chores but struggle when it comes to the deep-cleaning, consider a monthly cleaning service. Alternatively, you always opt to enlist help during those pivotal events when cleanliness is essential.

Hungry for more?
This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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Written by Savannah Binder, Maid4Condos
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