Clean T.O: The Moral Side Effects of Being Clean
Do you know what healthy, successful and good people all have in common? Apparently, being clean actually has moral side-effects! According to researchers, people with the cleanest homes are the healthier, more successful and just kinder human beings in general! Crazy, right? Maybe not. In fact, there are a few reasons why a clean house will help make you a better person overall. Don’t worry, we’ll explain this phenomenon and how you can start living it.
The Smell of Morality
The connection between cleanliness and morality was popularized by the 2009 study from Brigham Young University that put some participants in a room that was freshly cleaned, and some in a room that could ‘use a wipe down’. Interestingly enough, researchers found that participants in the freshly cleaned room were more likely to volunteer their time and donate to charity. This compared to those in the ‘average’ room! Given the evidence, it was concluded that moral benefits of cleaning are tied to the smell and how we associate with it, cool!

In others words, the positive association with the smell of ‘clean’ triggers moral awareness! Fortunately, our culture has a positive association with the smell of cleaning. Furthermore, this symbiosis creates constant opportunity for you to take advantage of the benefits of being clean and organized. However, there may be an evolutionary reason why we prefer to live and work in clean spaces…
What’s the Deal?
Though it’s rarely spoken about, indoor air is actually more polluted than the air outdoors! Apparently, even spending just 90 minutes indoors gives your lungs the opportunity to breathe in dust mites, pet shedding, mold, bug skeletons, and pollen! This is bad news for the people of Toronto, whose winters are spent scurrying from building to building. Moreover, we can even breathe in toxins from intimate everyday items, like clothing and bed sheets. Wondering why you haven’t gotten sick? Unfortunately, you have. You just thought it was allergies.

Similarly, a study carried out by Havas worldwide found that the more consumeristic items we accumulate, the more depressed, anxious and joyless we feel. Therefore, it makes sense that clutter and materialism have high potential to lead to stress and anxiety. However, there is good news! Additionally, the study also that negative emotions like stress, anxiety and depression can be relieved through vigorous housework! No, we’re not trying to trick you! There’s lots of people that can back us up. For instance, check out this article to find out which five household chores reduce stress!
Your Health
So, keeping your home clean has mental health benefits, but did you know that living in cleanliness can actually improve the choices you make regarding your health? According to a study from Indiana University, participants who had clean homes were found to be the healthiest and most active. However, this connection is not new, in a quote articulated by medical pioneer Florence Nightingale, “The connection between health and the dwelling of the population is one of the most important that exists”. In other words, when you have a healthy home you are able to live a healthier life. And, what’s wrong with that? Not only will a clean home encourage a healthier lifestyle, the rhythmic and repetitive nature of cleaning tasks are quite meditative. Consequently, the act of home cleaning itself can be used an outlet for negative emotions.

Moreover, a study in the Psychological Science Journal found that keeping your home clean can also lead to healthier food choices! The study found those who worked in a clean space were more likely to choose to eat fruit over chocolate. This compared to those who worked in a cluttered room. In other words, when you’re perceive clutter and mess, your mind thinks more chaotically. As a result, you tend to overeat and your body will crave comfort food, like chocolate.
But Don’t Be a Monica…
However, it’s important to remember that being a “Monica” about cleaning is never healthy. You don’t want to increase your stress levels! As a matter of fact, being unaware of a cleaning obsession could lead to the development of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

For this reason, it’s important to remember that it’s not possible for everything to be 100% clean, 100% of the time. At the end of the day, cleaning your house regularly once or twice a week you should be reaping all the benefits of being clean. Feel like your home isn’t getting the proper care and cleaning it needs? Check Maid4Condo’s services and start reaping the health benefits of being clean and organized!
Hungry for more?
This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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