The Lazy Person’s Ultimate Guide to Cleaning | Clean My Toronto Condo
You may have been called lazy before, and maybe you are (which is probably why you’re reading the lazy person’s ultimate guide to cleaning). But being lazy is not a crime. And it doesn’t mean that you deserve to live in a pigsty. However, it probably means that you’ve reached the point where turning a blind eye to mess and clutter just isn’t an option anymore. So, if you want to learn a few cleaning tips that even the laziest person can get on board with, stay seated and listen up! We’re about to rock your world.

Your Guide To Clean:
Lazy Tip #1: Line Your Kitchen
Food prep and fridge spills can be the number one source of dirtiness and subsequent cleaning. This is why you need to start lining your fridge-shelves, counters and oven with plastic wrap, parchment paper or aluminum foil. Just think, instead of cleaning up every time you make food or find a spill in your fridge, all you have to do is peel away the lining you so cleverly placed down, throw it out, and replace! Though not a very green method, it’s a lazy person’s dream come true. You’re welcome.

Lazy Tip #2: Dishwasher Tricks
Did you know that you can clean more than just kitchen stuff in your dishwasher? Yep! You can throw plastic toys, tools, cutting boards and the like in there and take them out looking sparkly clean! Pretty cool right? We know. However, make sure you know the dirty truth about your dishwasher before you put anything in there.

Lazy Tip #3: Micro Cleaning
Speaking of appliances, there’s a very easy way to clean your microwave that doesn’t involve scrubbing. Simply pour two cups of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar into a microwave safe bowl and microwave on high for 3 minutes. When the times up, take out the bowl and wipe away all the loosened gunk. Not only will your microwave be smelling fresh, it will look clean AF. Check out our other article to learn about more cool tricks your microwave can do!

Lazy Tip #4: Making Your Bed
Do you hate making your bed, yet also hate coming home to an unmade bed? We don’t blame you. Rumpled sheets are neither a pleasant nor inviting. But we have some exciting information that will allow you to make your bed without getting out of it! Just try this: next time you wake up, sit back against the wall or headboard with your feet facing the end of the bed. Then, pull up the comforter and sheets to your waist, and just slide out the side! Like a bandit in the morning, your bed will be made with minimal effort, plus you’ll get a few extra minutes in that warm, cozy cocoon!

Lazy Tip #5: Towel Stains
Do you have a tendency to get stains on your towels? If your towels are dotted with stains from products or food, it’s time to get with the lazy program. Ultimately, the easiest way to hide stains is by switching out your light coloured towels for dark ones. Though the stains won’t necessarily be gone, you won’t be able to see them! Is there really a difference? Not if you don’t care enough, no.

Lazy Tip #6: General Clutter
If you find that you constantly have stuff lying around that you don’t use, it may be time to downsize your belongings. Logically speaking, the less belongings you have, the less opportunity there is for clutter to build up! Translation: the less stuff you have, the less time you’ll have to spend cleaning and organizing it. You can call this whatever you like, however, at Maid4Condos, we call it the secret to cleaning less. However, we’re not here to judge and will always be just a few clicks away any time you really want to bring that sparkle back to your home!
Hungry for more?
This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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Written by Savannah Binder, Maid4Condos
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