The Air in Your Home Might Be Polluted – Condo Cleaning Service Toronto
You may not be aware that the air in your home might be polluted. In fact, the air inside your home could be 5 times more polluted than the air outside! With that said, neglecting the quality of the air in your home can lead to illness like allergies, headaches, asthma and more. But don’t be frightened, there are ways to neutralize the impurities. However, what are these pollutants and where do they come from? In this article, we’ll talk about common pollutants found in the home, where they’re coming from and the steps you can take to clean the air in you home.
How Does Home Air Become Polluted?
Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that contribute to poor air quality in your home. In fact, they are coming from things that you use everyday! Firstly, there are three categories of indoor pollutants. The good news is, that with a little awareness, regular home-cleaning and preventative measures in place, the air in your home will be cleaner in no time!
Combustion Pollutants
“Combustion pollutants” come in the form of gases or particles from burning materials. These gases could come from a space heater, a gas stove, a dryer or a fire place. However, these indoor pollutants will only become problematic when these appliances aren’t properly ventilated.
In fact, some of the most common indoor pollutants that come from gas-eating appliances include carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. Unfortunately, these colorless and odorless gases are incredibly dangerous and easy to miss. This makes it even more important to ensure your appliances have been properly installed, enjoy regular maintenance and have good ventilation.
Volatile Organic Compound Pollution
Volatile Organic Compounds (also known as VOC’s) are found in commonly used products including: paints, varnishes, building materials, furnishings, pesticides, craft glues, adhesives, air fresheners, dry-cleaned clothing, carpets, caulking, vinyl and cosmetics. That’s right, check your labels! Unfortunately, all of these items have the potential to pollute the air in your home. For instance, they may be releasing toxins like acetone, benzene, ethylene, formaldehyde, and methylene chloride into your space.
Allergy & Asthma Triggers
We all know at least one person who suffers from asthma or allergies. But did you know that there are triggers in your home? Yep, things like dust mites, mold, pollen, second hand smoke and kitty dander can all be triggers for asthma and allergies.
Unfortunately, these triggers are found in almost every home. For instance, shower curtains have high potential to get moldy. And, there are definitely dust mites in your bedding and in the pet fur around your home. However, if you don’t have time to perform regular home cleanings to fight the dust, consider hiring a professional cleaning service to do it for you!
Purify the Air in Your Home!
No one wants the air in their home polluted. Nor do you probably feel like walking around your own home with a face mask on. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can incorporate into your lifestyle that will help to rid of and/or neutralize the indoor pollutants lurking in your air.
House Plants
As we mentioned in our article about indoor plants, keeping greens inside your home has a variety of benefits: including air purification! In fact, there are some plants that are great at detoxing significant amounts of formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene from indoor air.
Plus, if you live in a condo you’ll have a much easier time purifying. Apparently, it takes at least one plant per 100 square feet of your home for effective air cleansing. Go small space living! Check out this list of 9 air-cleansing house-plants for some ideas!
Himalayan Salt Lamp
You’ve seen them in spiritual shops, but did you know that these Himalayan salt lamps actually have air cleansing powers? Yep, the 200-million old crystallized salt that has been turned into a lamp acts as a neutralizer for indoor pollutants. However, you won’t reap the benefits by just letting the lamp sit there. In fact, for the salt lamp to work you must to turn the small bulb on inside so that the salt becomes heated, releasing negative ions. These ions effectively cleanse the air in your home.
Bamboo Charcoal
You may have heard of the activated charcoal ice-cream craze sweeping North America. You might also know how charcoal can purify water and how it’s used in beauty products. But have you heard about how charcoal can purify the air in your home? Whichever way you decide to use it, charcoal removes toxins.
In fact, the porous structure of the charcoal helps to remove bacteria, allergens and other harmful indoor pollutants from the air by absorbing them. Intrigued? We found this great product by Moso, it’s an air cleansing linen-bag filled with high-density bamboo charcoal. The best part is, the bag is rejuvenating, meaning you can use it repeatedly! Simply recharge it by laying it out in the sunlight once a month!
It’s important to note that, breathing in high quality air is not a luxury like aromatherapy – it’s about your health. Perhaps you want to keep your status quo and employ these preventative measures. Whatever you choose, Maid4Condos will be here to help you in whatever way we can!
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This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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