The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom | Downtown Toronto Cleaning Service

The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom | Downtown Toronto Cleaning Service

The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom | Downtown Toronto Cleaning Service
January 3, 2018

The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom | Downtown Toronto Cleaning Service


Are the 3 dust culprits in your bedroom making you feel like you’re constantly enveloped in a dust-cloud? You know those times when the sun beams in through your window? You can see all the little dust particles swirling around! Or what about when you go to pick up something just to have to blow the dust off? Unfortunately, no matter how clean your home is, dust always seems to find its way into the picture. Though it’s a struggle everyone must face, why do you need to live in a horror film?


The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom Bedroom
The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom Bedroom


On top of that, dust is not just a mere annoyance. It can be particularly harmful for people who suffer from asthma, allergies or other breathing problems. How rude! Though there’s many inevitable things that make up the dust in the air (like hair, skin cells, and fabric fibers) there are ways to minimize the dust you produce and clean your bedroom more efficiently!


The Dust In Your Bedroom


Like all dust ever, the dust in your bedroom contains dust mites. These weeny, microscopic bugs live off of the dead skin cells that we and our furry friends shed. In fact, researchers at Ohio State University found that a used mattress contains at least 100,000 of these little guys! Though the mites are pretty harmless to most people, they can trigger allergic reactions in those prone to asthma, and those allergic to the mites themselves!


The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom Pug
The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom Pug


So where do these dust mites love to hide and how should we combat them? Glad you asked! We’ll reveal the 3 biggest places dust mites are hiding and how you can combat them! But first, we need to tell you that the overarching way reduce dust in your bedroom is by cleaning it, once a week. Yep, the floors, curtains, furniture, window frames…even the tops of doors. If you’re stressing about the time factor but prioritize clean living, consider calling a cleaning service!  However, there a few things you can do on your own to minimize the dust you collect on the daily.


Dust Culprit #1: Your Bed is Dust


Sorry to scare you, but your cozy bed is a major bedroom-dust culprit. Not only does your bed contain a lot of dust, it distributes dust around the room! Constantly.  And your bed isn’t only shedding the residue that comes off of you and your pets, it’s shedding its own fibres too.  Yep, all that stuff we call dust swirls around your bedroom every time you fluff your covers up or dive into them headfirst after a long day of work. Great.


The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom Bed
The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom Bed


When you’re ready to minimize the dust factor of your bed, start washing your sheets and pillows once a week! For simple ¨clean as you go” bed care, shake your sheets out when you’re making your bed in the morning to get any dust off. Similarly, give your pillows a good wack and fluff them up! Because at the end of the day, keeping your bed as clean as possible is the key to minimizing dust!


Dust Culprit #2: Your Closet is Dust


Because your closet holds all your towels, bedding, clothing and shoes, it’s a dust haven filled with all sorts of things from dust bunnies to floating fibres! The more stuff and clutter you have sitting around, the more chance there is for dust to collect. In fact, every time you open the closet door you unleash a tiny invisible dust storm  into your bedroom! Don’t think you can go on like this? I don’t blame you. There’s a simple solution: keep your closet clean and organized.


The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom Closet
The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom Closet


Kick off the bedroom closet cleaning with a good purge, because the less items you have, the less stuff there is to shed and host dust! Once you’ve cleaned out your closet and given it a good wipe down, consider putting your items in boxes or containers to keep things tidy and organized. If you’re using your closet as a storage space for old winter coats, consider placing them in garment bags. That way, their fibres won’t shed and contribute to the overall dustiness of your closet!


Dust Hack: when you’re vacuuming the area, remember to pick up any shoes that may be on the floor. Dust bunnies love to accumulate near shoes, so move them aside and get in there to extinguish all the dust from your closet!


Dust Culprit #3: Your Air is Dust


At the end of the day, a little dust is inevitable. And it’s no secret that the air in your home just isn’t the cleanest. With this in mind, your job is to be on the defensive. When it comes to reducing general bedroom dust, you’ll want to think about air filters. Apartment Therapy recommends using an HEPA (high efficiency particulate absorption) air filter. However, you can also purify the air by getting dust eating house plants! Just remember that indoor plants require much more commitment from you than a filter does, especially in the winter.


The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom Air
The 3 Dust Culprits in Your Bedroom Air



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This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!


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Written by Savannah Binder, Maid4Condos

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