Start Avoiding the Worst Part About Traveling | Cleaning Service Toronto
Nowadays, flying is necessary for any real getaway- but you could start avoiding the worst part about traveling. As the holidays draw nearer, many of us are gearing up for that flight that will whisk us away from our cold, little Canadian lives. Unless you have chronic fear of being dragged out of a seat you paid way too much for, you may be wondering what the worst part about travelling really is…
I hate to break it to you friend, but travelling on an airplane actually increases your chances of getting sick – just in time for the holidays! Not only are the surfaces of the aircraft dirtier than your cell phone, but the close proximity to other passengers significantly increases your chances of catching a cold. So, in addition to recommending the flu1`shot, I’m going to share 4 tips that will help you avoid getting sick after your next flight. And yes, “anti-vacciners”, you can benefit from these tips too.
How Do Planes Make You Sick?
As I mentioned, being forced into close proximity with other flyers increases the likelihood that you will be exposed to infectious diseases and common illness. In fact, the Wall Street Journal cited a study that found that the chance of catching a cold is 20% greater when you’re on a plane. Though it’s easy to see how planes are breeding grounds for bacteria, did you know that the boarding process itself is cause for concern?
Yep, according to a study by Arizona State University the standard industry boarding process of loading passengers by zone is the worst scenario when it comes to health. Simply because boarding from front to back means more opportunity for lingering. For instance, if there’s a sick passenger sitting near the front of the plane, everyone must pass by them to get to their own seat. Similarly, if there’s one sick person headed towards the back, they must pass by everyone who’s already seated. Yep, it’s gross! But if you think that’s odd, you’ll want to check out these other 10 weird facts. (#yourwelcome)
Travel Tip #1: Stay Hydrated
Most commercial flights get up to 39,000 feet in the sky; where the air is clean, clear and very, very dry. In fact, one article has gone so far as calling high altitude a sky desert! Up there in the clouds, the humidity on the plane can run at 10% or lower than the typical 40-60% humidity our bodies are used to down on earth. Consequently, these low levels of humidity affect our mucociliary clearance system. The MCS is our body’s first line of defense against germs, producing the mucus in the nose and throat. So when our bodies are lounging in Air Canada luxury at a high altitude, the natural immune protectors in our noses and throats become dry, leaving us wide open to accepting the germs in the environment around us.
However, before you get your earphones in a bunch there are somethings you can do to give your body a boost in these dry times: drink lots of water. Yes, it sounds cliché but water really is the source of life, people! With the proper hydration, you’ll effectively keep your system moist and strengthen its immunity. However, airports can be one big scam. To stay green and keep yourself from spending an extra $5 on bottled water at the gate, bring an empty bottle in your carry-on and fill up at a water fountain. Done! Beautiful! Let’s move on.
Travel Tip #2: Disinfect Your Life
Unless you plan on wrapping yourself in plastic like a surfboard, it’s inevitable you’re going to get a little germed up on your flight. However, that doesn’t mean you have to sit idly by and accept your fate. It may be time to take cleaning into your own hands. Though the plane gets cleaned between flights, the crew only has time to do so much. So what do you do? The first step to clean is to make yourself aware of the dirtiest bits you’re being exposed to, like: seat pockets, tray tables and armrests. Yep… that tray table is not clean. Check out this list from CNN Travel to make yourself aware of the germy hotspots.
In this case, you definitely bring along along those disinfecting wipes. Though you may look like Howie Mandel, you’ll be as clean as Will Smith’s raps. In addition to disinfecting, you should also practice the art of touching as few surfaces as possible. Don’t really need to touch the window cover? Don’t! Want to feel the texture of the seat fabric in front of you? It’s not worth it. If your curiosity does get the better of you, just pretend everything is lava. However, you may want to make sure you’re okay with the moral side effects of being clean before you start jumping from seat to seat!
Travel Tip #3: Aisle Vs. Window
What I’m about to say may scare you, so make sure you’re sitting down (but not in the aisle seat). We all have our preferred seating on a plane, but you need to know the biggest difference between the aisle and the window seat. Though sitting near the aisle may give you more leg-room and better access to the restroom, it’s also the less clean option. Unfortunately, sitting closer to the aisle increases your chances of picking up germs. This is due to the sheer fact that other (potentially sick) passengers must walk by you on their way to the washroom.
But don’t be sad. There’s tons of perks when you choose the window seat! For instance, you can stop worrying about when the people beside you will need to get up. That means no more interruptions during the climax of your movie! Plus, sitting by the window will give you chance to really experience being in the clouds. As flying becomes a normal part of modern life, we tend to take our being 39,000 feet in the air for granted. We were not meant to fly, people! So take advantage, you paid enough for it.
Travel Tip #4: P for Prevention
In addition to these three measures you can take once you’re already on the plane, there are a few things you can do before you even step foot in the airport! As mentioned earlier, the decreased moisture in the air lowers the effectiveness of your immune system. Which is why you should try to boost your immunity ahead of time! For instance, try to get a good sleep before your flight– sleep deprivation decreases your immune system. Another great way to boost your immune system is to take nutritional vitamins and minerals before take off. In addition, you could implement a little aromatherapy for a mental boost to get you through the entire process.
Sorry if I’ve scared you. But there’s one last thing you can do if you’re a hypochondriac. You’ve seen them on the TTC, you’ve seen them on TV… it might be time for you to get a face mask. Not only are face masks good at preventing you from ingesting germs and toxins, if you’re sick (and a good person) they are a great way to save other passengers from your ailment! Though it may get hot behind that mask, it’s worth trying out if you’re feeling a little anxious about your next flight. At the end of the day, all you can do is pray. Just kidding, you can follow these steps and hope for the best!
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This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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Written by Savannah Binder, Maid4Condos
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