Evict the Mouse in Your House ASAP | Condo Cleaning Service
If you’re anything like Phoebe Buffay, you need to evict the mouse in your house ASAP. It’s true that certain rodents can look cute as a button, but don’t be fooled. Allowing these pesky critters into your home can have dire consequences. This is especially true during the winter, because just as we cower in our homes when the temperature drops, so do mice. However, instead of an innocent Netflix and chill, little mice and rat babies will wreak havoc on your home and your health. So sit down, and listen up. We’re going to inform you of the chaos that rodents can create, and the ways you can deal with it.
Why To Evict The Mice In Your Home
Eviction Reason #1: Health
As you know, mice are very very tiny. This means they have the ability to slip into your home through cracks and crevices as small as the eraser on the end of a pencil! And once they’re inside…it’s game over- for your health, and your home. How will a few cute critters affect your health? Well, the urine and droppings that mice inevitably leave behind contaminates everything it touches. Not only that, the debris could easily go undetected, which makes you more vulnerable to coming into contact with it. Furthermore, when the urine and droppings come into contact with surfaces in your kitchen and in your food, you’re at a higher risk for contracting diseases like hantavirus, salmonellosis and listeria.
Eviction Reason #2: Home
But it’s not just your health you should be concerned about. Mice are known for extensively damaging personal belongings and furniture. This is because they can chew through just about anything! They’ll start chewing your carpets! Your blankets! Really whatever is lying around and looks tasty. So for god sakes, keep reading because you’re going to need to do some cleaning!
And, not only will they chew just about anything. They’ll also eat anything you would eat. For instance, you could set them up with a box of cereal or crackers and it will be gone before dawn! Why is this problematic for you? Think about it. Wouldn’t it be much easier to walk 5 minutes to the grocery store than half an hour? Well, mice feel the exact same way! Because of this, plus the fact that they eat between 15 and 20 times a day, they make their nests near ‘the source’ (a.k.a, your kitchen or pantry). A clever move by the mice, but their proximity to your food also increases your chances of getting sick.
Cleaning Your House of Mouse
Before you even think about a long-term solution to your mouse problem, you need to clean up any mess you see ASAP. However, be careful how you go about it. Though it may feel like natural instinct to vacuum and sweep droppings and nesting materials you find; this is the last thing you should be doing! Though these methods will get the droppings out of sight, they’ll also release harmful bacteria into the air. Ultimately allowing the bacteria to settle into dust, putting your health in jeopardy.
To properly clean mouse debris, get yourself a mask and pair of latex gloves. Once you’re in gear, pull out a commercial disinfectant or blend some bleach and water together. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention recommends letting the disinfectant sit for at least five minutes before using paper towel to wipe the area. Once you’ve finished wiping, place the dirty paper towels in a plastic bag. Then, take that plastic bag into an outside garbage. Though this is not the greenest method of cleaning, your health and home will thank you!
When Eviction = Death
When you’re trying to get rid of mice for good, you have a few options. You could try out some DIY methods, or you could use the infamous snap traps, bait stations and poison pellets. If you decide to go the old school route and put out snap traps, be sure to place them in areas you suspect mice have been lurking around. Then, to lure them in, spread some peanut butter on a cracker and place it in the trap! From then on, you should be checking the mouse traps daily. But make sure to only remove dead mice if you’re wearing a pair of latex or vinyl gloves!
If you’re looking for more humane methods to ward off the pesky rodents, you should look into Ultrasonic sound devices. Devices like the Pet Chaser Pro emit an electronic tone that creates an intensely stressful environment for the mice, forcing them out of your home. The tone is specifically designed to drive out rodents, and so won’t bother you or your pets. However, if your mouse problem seems to be growing by the day, it may be time to call for backup! For a sure-fire way to ride your home of rodents, call a pest control company. Then, you might want to call a cleaning service to come in and do a thorough once over, for a little peace of mind!
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This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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Written by Savannah Binder, Maid4Condos
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