Best Techniques to Clean Your Home If You Have Allergies | Maid4Condos

Best Techniques to Clean Your Home If You Have Allergies

Best Techniques to Clean Your Home If You Have Allergies
February 27, 2020

For those seeking a clean home, allergies can be a real pain. Kicking up dust, scrubbing away mildew, and even composting can cause a chain reaction of sneezing and coughing which leads to a miserable afternoon. At Maid4Condos, we deal with these issues daily and have learned a few tips and tricks on how to clean home allergies away without feeling their wrath.

Here are a few ways you can organize and clean your home with less allergic reactions and a higher success rate.

Best Techniques to Clean Your Home If You Have Allergies

Clean Top to Bottom

In any room of your home, the best advice we can offer is clean top to bottom. This allows all the dust, dirt and debris to settle on the floor before you start sweeping and vacuuming. Otherwise, you wind up dusting ceiling fans and high shelves, only to find yourself mopping for the third time that day.

The same goes for the house. You should begin your cleaning spree in the uppermost rooms, working your way down the stairs, and finishing on the main level of the basement. This pushes dirt down the stairs before you’ve swept them, rather than after.

Working one room at a time also gives you a chance to completely clear a space before moving onto the next. This leaves less dust to kick up later when you find items from downstairs that belong upstairs.

Give Yourself the Air You Need

The worst part of maintaining a clean home — allergies or not — is the amount of dust that begins flying around the moment you break out the duster. A good way to relieve allergy symptoms caused by this dust is to open windows, and doors if possible, to get air flowing through. Fresh air will help keep pathways to your lungs open, and breath flowing more easily.

When you shut yourself into a closed-off space, even if it’s a big house, you’re trapping all that dust inside with you. Aside from vacuuming, the dust has nowhere to go but back down on the shelves and floors you just swept it from. And, of course, into your lungs as you breathe it in.

Tackle Mold and Mildew Early

Kitchens and bathrooms are a playground for mould spores and mildew. With the amount of food in the kitchen and liquid in your bathroom, these allergens can grow and spread without your notice. While cleaning these spaces, it’s best to start at the source.

Check open pipes and drains, crevices along the sides of tubs and sinks, and in areas not always visible, like the cupboards below your sink. Look for black, pink, orange, and brown marks which shouldn’t be there; bacteria can appear in a variety of colours.

Depending on the stage of mildew or mould, you can use different cleaners to get rid of it. A mixture of water and bleach is often effective but be especially careful while handling it. Wear gloves and keep it away from your nose and mouth.

Wash Bedding and Linens Regularly

You might be surprised to learn that one of the worst rooms in your house for allergens is your bedroom. As we sleep our bodies deposit dead skin cells, hair, and dust into our bedding. It settles into linens, carpets, and even between floorboards. If you’re getting goosebumps just thinking about it, you’re not alone.

Vacuuming your bedroom regularly is an excellent way to avoid allergies. You should also strip your bed once a week and thoroughly launder all linens in your bedroom. The same goes for towels, face cloths, and dishcloths, which collect bacteria.

This bacteria grows and spreads the longer it is left around, so regularly washing towels and cloths will keep your home cleaner longer.

Use a Dehumidifier Where Needed

It might sound like more of an air quality tip than a clean home allergies removal tip, but a dehumidifier is an excellent way to rid your home of dampness. Bathrooms are especially bad for hoarding humidity, which causes mould and mildew to grow unchecked. It’s no good to continuously clean mildew from the bathroom if the state of humidity keeps it growing.

Dehumidifiers can be installed as permanent fixtures or used as needed. If your home gets especially humid, try running the dehumidifier at night while you sleep.

Remove Clutter Where Allergens Might Hide

We all have that one room in our home full of clutter and boxes. While storage is an essential part of life, it’s also an area that gets filled with bacteria and dust; and is often cleaned the least.

Cardboard boxes attract pests, which flock to eat or live inside the cardboard. In between boxes, shelves, and knickknacks dust begins to gather, spinning cobwebs and creating havoc for your lungs should you ever enter the room.

Keeping your storage spaces clutter-free, organized, and regularly dusted minimizes the chance for pests and allergy outbreaks. Remember, the dust which gathers here spreads to other portions of your home, moving in and out of air vents, and rustling through the halls when the door is swung open.

The best way to manage the allergens in your storage space is to treat it like any other part of the home and give it a weekly cleaning.

Hire a Maid Service

Finally, an amazing resource for those who suffer from allergies while cleaning is to hire a maid service. Professional cleaners are trained to handle even the toughest messes in everything from residential housing to high rise condominiums.

These professional services are trained to tackle allergen-related cleaning tasks carefully and always with the client in mind. Rather than rustling up allergens which will cause you an allergy attack the minute you walk through the door, we always minimize allergens by cleaning thoughtfully and purposefully.

To learn more about how to protect your home from allergens, call Maid4Condos at 647-822-0601 or contact us here.

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