Clean T.O: 5 Tricks to Avoid Pumpkin Catastrophe
It doesn’t feel like Halloween until you’ve carved a pumpkin, but do you know about these 5 tricks that will help you avoid a pumpkin cleaning catastrophe? As fun as pumpkins are, for children and adults alike- they have a tendency to get very messy…

In fact, you might find yourself wishing you never laid a knife on your pumpkin at all! After all, there’s nothing like a pumpkin mess to ruin all your diligent house-cleaning. And unfortunately, pumpkin guts are not considered fall décor. Take a look at the five tricks we’ve compiled that will keep your kitchen clean this Halloween!
1. Timing is Everything
You might be excited to get into the Halloween spirit, but for heaven’s sake- don’t carve your pumpkins too early! Why, you ask? Unfortunately, if left carved for too long your pumpkin will start to decay by the time Oct. 31 rolls around.

With that said, the earliest you should be carving your pumpkin is 5 days before Halloween. No sooner, no later. Because don’t you want your jack-o-lantern to make it to Halloween?!
2. Assemble Your Tools
In order to clean out and carve your pumpkin, you need the right tools. For instance, make sure you have enough paper towel, bowls and trash bags for everyone involved in the fun. Not to mention, knives for slicing and metal spoons for scooping out pumpkin guts!

Furthermore, decide if you want to use a cookie cutter or a knife when you carve. Furthermore, if you’re interested in carving with a knife, check out these free, printable stencil ideas that will make your pumpkin pop! In addition, there are plenty of design books and products that have been made just for your carving needs.
3. Preparing Your Pumpkin
Before you begin carving, your pumpkin has to be clean inside and out! Yes, you have to clean off the outside too because pumpkins have dust and dirt on them. However, all it takes is a wet cloth to get your pumpkin shining! Next, you need to gain access to the interior by slicing off the top or bottom of the pumpkin. For further instruction, check out this video that will explain the in’s and out’s of how to clean out a pumpkin!

Once you’ve got the top or bottom off, it’s time to start gutting! This is where the rest of your tools will come in handy. Before you begin, lay out a towel or newspaper on the area you’ll be working in and have a garbage bag ready for when you need it. Once you being gutting with your spoon, try to separate the pumpkin guts from the seeds. Without delay, get those pumpkin seeds into a bowl and save them for later. Because roasted pumpkin seeds are to die for.
4. Maintaining Your Pumpkin
Unfortunately, once your pumpkin has been on display, you might notice it start to dry and shrivel. However, there are plenty of solutions. For instance, some people have tried to seal and lubricate their pumpkin by applying petroleum jelly to the carved edges. Furthermore, some people like to spray Lysol both inside the pumpkin, and on the carved edges to keep away any pumpkin killing bacteria.

Looking for a simple solution? Instead of using chemicals and petroleum jelly, try completely submerging your carved pumpkin in chilled water for a few hours. In fact, you could even add a small amount of bleach to ensure total cleanliness!
5. Pumpkin Passion
You probably want your pumpkins to be the talk of the town. Okay, maybe not! In fact, you may choose to keep your pumpkin(s) in the safety of your home! However, pumpkins season won’t last forever. So, if you’re enjoying having a pumpkin in your home this fall you would probably enjoy a few indoor plants all year round!

At the end of the day, it’s important that you follow these steps to avoid a real pumpkin catastrophe. As much as these tricks will help you, sometimes the mess is just too overwhelming. When that day comes, Maid4Condos will be there to bring that sparkle back to your home!
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This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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