Clean T.O: 5 Public Restrooms Tips You Need to Know
The Shock-clean Truth About Public Toilets
We hate to break the news, but you’ve been using public restrooms all wrong. For instance, you know that trick where you use toilet paper to shield yourself against the ominous toilet seat? Yea, that doesn’t work. In fact, it does the exact opposite! Confused? Don’t worry, we’ll let you in on all the dirty details. Just thank us next time you’re in a public restroom!

Is Anything Clean?
Fortunately, there are some aspects of public restrooms that are relatively clean! They’re just not what you think. Like, did you know that the toilet seat is actually the cleanest place in a public restroom? When you think about it, it makes sense. People and maintenance workers alike are wiping and disinfecting those seats all day long! However, even if the seat didn’t get wiped all day, it would still be the least hazardous bathroom component.

Professionals go so far to say that unless you go so far as licking the toilet seat – there’s very low potential for transmitting an infection. They say, it’s because the bacteria that does get onto the seat actually dies off quickly. In fact, your body produces the same bacteria found on seats – meaning it can’t hurt you in small doses.

Shockingly, some researchers go as far to say that the top of the toilet seat is cleaner than a kitchen sink! They say this could be due to the actual materials used to make the seats- their smooth, curved nature isn’t the most hospitable environment for bacteria.
By now, we’ve learned that toilet seats themselves are clean…so what happens when we cover them with toilet paper? In a shocking twist of fate, that innocent act of insurance you take could actually be putting your health in greater jeopardy.
1. The Horrors of Toilet Paper

So what is dirty? Though this news will shock you to your core- we have to tell you. Toilet paper is said to be one of the dirtiest in public restrooms. Yes, we use it to blow our nose and wipe our faces – yet toilet paper is actually the dirtiest thing in the restroom. Why? Because it’s the perfect environment for bacteria to collect in! Yep, the germs get right up into the paper and we put it right to our face and bodies. You might want to think twice before blowing your nose!
2. The Horrors of the Floor
Did you know that the second dirtiest place in a restroom is the floor? Even though it’s not so shocking, it remains just as true. The floors of public restrooms are cesspools of germs.

So what does that mean for you? Firstly, never leave anything there. Next time you make a trip, make sure your bag, purse or briefcase doesn’t touch the floor. Because, each time it makes contact the bacteria from the floor transfers onto it. Consequently, that bacteria will remain there until it lands someplace else, spreading there too. Before you know it, you’ve become a carrier and a spreader! So, to avoid all the gross simply hang your belongings on a hook or keep them on your lap- it will be worth it!
3. The Dreaded Flush
As we have learned, everything in a public restroom from the floor to toilet paper is covered in bacteria. The culprit? The flush. In fact, every time the toilet flushes, a process called aerosolization occurs. You’ve probably experienced it- when droplets of toilet water disseminate at least six feet through the air. These droplets come from the toilet bowl and could contain anything from E. coli to salmonella. And so, each time a toilet gets flushed germs get spread, latching onto walls, door handles, toilet seat and- the actual toilet paper. This is unsurprising, as a typical toilet bowl has over three million germs per square inch.

There are a few ways to combat the dreaded flush, but not all are applicable in every restroom. For instance, the ideal is to just put down the toilet lid. But alas, lids have been mostly phased out of public restrooms. Just our luck. However, there is still a way around it. For instance, only flush the toilet when you are ready to leave your stall. That way, you’re not trapped with the airborne bacteria.
4. Getting Out Safely

So, you finished going the bathroom, now it’s time to leave. There should be no more germ concerns right? Wrong! Beware of door knobs and faucet handles – they are pretty serious danger zones. This is because they’re the first things you touch after using the bathroom. Ironically, by turning the tap off after washing your hands you just re-contaminate yourself all over again! So laugh no more when you see people using paper towel to turn the faucet or open the door, you need to start doing the same.
5. The Horrors of The Hand Dryer
Once you’ve turned the tap on with a paper towel, washed your hands and then turned the tap off with your paper towel. Of course, this is assuming there is paper towel handy. If there isn’t, you might be tempted to use the electronic hand dryer…Please don’t!

Similar to the flush, electronic hand dryers blow bacteria particles into the air, and circulate them through the room, contaminating everything. So, if you have the choice always stick to the paper towel. However, if you’re seriously grossed out, consider carrying hand sanitizer or baby wipes. You could even go a step farther and bring your own toilet paper, but that would be crazy…wouldn’t it?
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This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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