5 Clothing Essentials for Cold Weather Cycling | Best Maid Service Toronto
If you implement the 5 clothing essentials for cold weather cycling, winter biking can be amazing! Imagine… getting up early enough, the clean snow reflecting the morning sun, muffling all the sounds around you. You ride in silence. However, whether the sun is out or not, the weather can be bitingly cold, which means it’s time for you to layer up for cycling! There’s an old saying that goes, there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. But you already know that, because you’re a winter biking warrior. So unless you want to be as soggy as your doggy, let’s delve into this clothing guide to cold weather cycling!

Winter Weather Biking Essentials:
Essential #1: Layers
Wearing multiple layers is essential in winter, but even more so when it comes to cold weather cycling. Though it will be cold out, even 10 minutes of pedaling will warm you up. So layering, a.k.a wearing easily removable layers, provides you with a lot of climate control on your ride. In fact, for the warmest ride, you should have three layers on the top half of your body and two on the bottom.

On the top half, you should start with a base layer. A thin, sweat resistant later like an Under-Armour compression shirt (long-sleeved). The sweat-resistant fabric will be perfect for keeping your skin dry and clean of sweat. Layering with the right fabric is key, because it allows you to feel cozy at the start of your trip.
Essential #2: Jacket
There are some great cold weather cycling jackets out there, but consensus says that you should get a waterproof and windproof cycling jacket. The wind can be especially brutal in Toronto, and choosing a good quality jacket right for you is absolutely essential. The dilemma you face is choosing something waterproof that also offers breathability. The good news is, many high quality fabrics tend to be water proof and breathable at the same time! We recommend giving the Gore Bikewear Power Goretex Active a shot, mainly because it has a high neck and long sleeves, with Velcro and the wrist to keep the warm air in!

Essential #3: Legs
You may have your own routine when it comes to your legs. However, you might want to think about bib tights under your pants, or tights over bib shorts. In addition, if you don’t have fenders or simply take pride in your appearance, you may want to invest in a pair of waterproof pants to make sure you get to where you’re going slush-free. Whatever pants you choose to wear cold weather cycling, remember to tuck them into your shoe or sock! There’s nothing worse than a cleaning a pant leg caught in a chain.

Essential #4: Head Gear
Did you know that keeping your head warm and dry is one of the smartest things you can do? Just kidding, it’s a myth that heat escapes through your head. However, cold weather cycling in Toronto is not a walk in the park and so you should actually be wearing a hat whether you use a helmet or not. There are plenty of skull-cap style hats that fit nice and clean under a helmet. Plus, if you’re into the headband or earmuff look, there are lots of options that will keep your ears toasty as you stay fit this winter!

Essential #5: Gloves
One bike ride without gloves is one too many. In fact, it’s downright dangerous. What are you supposed to do when your fingers are frozen on your handlebars, and you need to break? Luckily, there’s many cycling-compatible gloves on the market that will keep your hands warm, clean and dry! There’s plenty of designs, you just have to choose the one that suits you. Lastly, you should look for gloves with longer cuffs. You’ll be able to tuck them into the arms of your jacket, and strap it down with the jacket’s wrist Velcro, and retain all the heat.

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Written by Savannah Binder, Maid4Condos
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