4 Gift Ideas for People Who Don’t Care About Gifts | Maid4Condos
You’ve been scouring the internet for hours looking for exactly 4 gift ideas for people who don’t care about gifts, I know. But relax, you’re here now. Nothing feels better than giving someone you love the perfect gift on the holidays. However, what if you’re friend, uncle or partner couldn’t care less about the material? What if you’re on a budget and/or loathe capitalism? Believe it or not, there is a way to show your appreciation for someone without falling down the rabbit hole that is holiday shopping.

Step one: stop beating yourself up because you’ve chosen not to buy a gift. In fact, the most memorable gifts are actually ones that involve experiences! Not only will some of these gift ideas be great for your wallet, they are perfect for those pesky, non-materialistic people who are so hard to shop for. So if you love exercising your creativity, get ready- because these ideas might blow your holiday stockings off.
Our List Of Gift Ideas:
Gift #1: The Mixtape
In the age of digital music, making a mixtape for someone is not only thoughtful- it’s nostalgic AF. Though creating a list of tracks (a.k.a playlist) might be easy, making a top-notch mixtape takes some serious thought and curation. However, before you go out buying clean cd’s (and a machine for your laptop because macs no longer have disk drives) you need to know that not everyone in your life deserves a mixtape. These personal music-babies should be reserved for the people in your life that a) love music, b) you know inside and out, and c) who you love.

There’s nothing more awkward than a bad mixtape! And because you probably haven’t made one in a decade, I’ll save you the embarrassment and jog your memory. Remember what it was like to receive a GREAT mixtape from someone essential in your life? It felt so good because that perfectly curated mixtape said, “I know you, and I still love you”. So if you’d like to pass the good vibes along, keep these things in mind…
Know Your Audience:
The songs on the mixtape should align with your loved one’s music taste, not yours. Hate to break it to you but if you don’t know their music taste inside and out, then you really shouldn’t be making them a mixtape! Period, end of story.
Choose a Theme:
To give your mixtape the flow and unity it requires, it’s best to think of an overarching theme. For example, a theme could be as simple as “the time we went bee catching” or “our 2009 road trip” or even “music to clean to.” The options are really endless!
First and Last:
The first and last tracks on your mixtape are the most important things in the world. Okay, maybe not the world- but definitely for the mixtape. The first song should draw them in and make them excited for track 2, 3, 4 and beyond. Sources say it’s best to start with something upbeat, catchy and melodiously infectious. Similarly, when it comes to the last track, you should choose something that ties the whole mixtape together and leaves them with a good taste in their mouth and ears.
Short and Sweet:
It’s can be easy to lose your theme in a sea of songs, even if you’re skilled at curation. So instead of overstaying your welcome with 18 tracks, keep your selection short and sweet. In fact, the shorter the better! Need some more help? Check out this article to learn more about mixtape do’s and don’ts.
Gift #2: The Coupon Book
I can see you rolling your eyes, but the coupon book is on here for a reason! And it’s because they can be a great way to show you love someone. Instead of creating 20 ‘hug’ coupons, step it up by including things that involve skills or talents you posses like: kitchen organization, playing piano, massages or even cleaning! Who could complain about a gift that keeps on giving?

You may think that coupon books are only for couples. However, they work just as well for friends. For instance, do you have a friend that “loves love loves” that one dish you make? Do they also beg you to play their favorite song on piano every time you come over? Well, now is the time to cash in on your skills! Wouldn’t you like to have a coupon that would force your friend to cook you food? Right, so why wouldn’t they.
Gift #3: The Photo Album
Just pull out your parents’ old photo albums to remember why they’re so much better than photos on your cell phone. I can’t tell you why, but there’s something about holding and seeing physical copies of photos that’s just…different. A lot of your friends probably feel this way too, but not many of them will actually take the time to get their photos developed. And that’s where you step in. Don’t be scared- we’re not talking about 200 photos. In fact, the best photo albums aren’t the ones with the most pictures, they’re the ones that have been thoughtfully planned out.

Just like the mixtape, it’s important for gifted photo albums to have some kind of theme. When it comes to photo albums, the theme could be as simple as “you & me”, “that time we lived together in university” or even “a pointless album of selfies”. However, when it comes to choosing photos you must be picky and stay super selective, choosing only photos that are clean and sharp. If you want to get really thoughtful, add some handwritten captions below each photo. Check out your local Walmart or Shoppers Drug Mart for intuitive and affordable photo-album options!
Gift #4: The Gift of Time
If you simply don’t have the time to labor over a mixtape, coupon book or photo-album, you can always give the gift of time! What do I mean by time? Well, riddle me this: what is the one thing that is essential, that no one loves to do, and that takes up a lot of time? If you guessed taking a poop, you’d be right. But I’m talking about cleaning!

Wouldn’t you love to receive a free cleaning? I know I would. Not only is gifting a professional cleaning thoughtful and practical, it doesn’t require you to step foot in a mall! And you won’t have to worry about the recipient liking their gift, because who wouldn’t like that gift. Plus, during the holiday season, businesses tend to put on great promotions. For instance, Maid4Condos has a holiday promotion till the end of December! Plus, giving the gift of clean doesn’t only give your loved ones a clean space, it gives them back some much needed time. Who knows, maybe you’ll start a trend and wind up with a free cleaning next year!
Hungry for more?
This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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Written by Savannah Binder, Maid4Condos
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