Clean T.O: 4 Essential Cleaning Tips for Dog Owners in Condos
Dogs & Condos
Are you a proud or hopeful condo and dog owner? Well, you aren’t alone! The numbers from a survey in Toronto found that there’s about seven dogs per floor in most residential buildings! If you’re part of the trend, or just thinking of joining- there’s some things you ought to consider.

First, is your dog meant for a small space? Some dogs are more comfortable in small spaces than others, so it’s definitely worth doing a little research to find the perfect condo companion. While checking out breeds, you should also keep shedding in mind. Different dog breeds shed differently. A little research could save you from cleaning a lot of stray hairs! However, if you’re already shacked up in a condo with your dog- we need to get down to the dirty dog details.
1. Oh, poo! Time to Clean
By now, you’re probably the master of the stoop and scoop. However, you might not realize how toxic your dog’s bowel movements actually are. There’s a reason the fine is so high for not picking up after your dog in Toronto! Actually, the Canadian Public Health Association reported that there are harmful toxins, viruses, bacteria and parasites found in dog waste that can lead to disease when not properly cleaned. Well, there’s some motivation!

Consequently, the longer you leave your dog’s mess untouched, the higher the chances that the waste will spread- all around your condo. Not only that, your floors could become stained. Or worse, your dog might think they’ve found their new toilet. So, when it’s time to clean up an indoor mess, you should use products that are actually meant to clean dog waste! It’s not a rip off, these products are actually created to breakdown organic waste and neutralize smell. Learn about some of the different pet stain removers! A heads up, if you plan on using a cleaner with ammonia, don’t. The smell is just like dog urine, and so won’t help your situation.
Homemade Stain Solution
It seems silly to buy special stain remover when you probably have a wealth of cleaners stashed in your cupboard! Thankfully, we found a simple homemade solution for cleaning your dog’s doo-doo! Ingredients: 1 quart of hot tap water, 1 tsp of dish soap, 1 tsp white vinegar. Steps: Shake or mix ingredients, blot the area with a towel until it’s gone.
2. The Paws
Your dog’s paws are very cute, but they also have the tendency to get very dirty! Whether it’s snow, rain, dirt or slush- those paws will pick it all up like a sponge! The best way to keep your pup’s paws clean is by investing in some dog boots- PAWZ makes a great product that’s waterproof. Check out the product review ! Alternatively, you could create your own dog boots. All you need are scissors and balloons! Watch a video to learn all about DIY booties.

Whether you’re into the booties or not, it’s essential that you keep a towel and bowl of water- or pet wipes- near your front door. Wiping down your dog’s paws and fur only takes a few seconds and could save you from cleaning up a trail of dirty paw prints! Don’t worry, your dog won’t mind the wipe down. In fact, dogs actually seem to enjoy it! If you’re good at training, your dog will eventually know wait for you to clean its paws before going back into your home. If you’re a really good trainer, you could even teach your dog to wipe their own paws!
3. The Shedding

If you do have a dog that sheds, you’ve got a few options! Brushing your dog daily- or a few times a week- will concentrate any stray hairs, and subsequent shedding. Plus, some dogs love being brushed! In fact, brushing can also help help alleviate flaky skin, as it distributes the dog’s natural oils throughout their coat. An article from Vet Street shows you all the benefits of brushing!

Additionally, area rugs can also help concentrate hairs during shedding seasons. You’ll have less places to clean, plus- rugs make it easier to vacuum efficiently. If you’re working with hardwood, the Swiffer is ultimately the best tool to use. The cloths on a Swiffer attract and trap dust, dirt and hair much more efficiently than a typical vacuum!
Ok, so the condo is clean- now what about you? Lint rollers are great for getting those pesky hairs off when you need to get somewhere in a dash! However, did you know how many other uses there are for lint rollers? Check out an article describing 21 things you can do with a lint roller, besides rolling lint!

4. That Smell
It’s no secret that dogs smell, but we can’t hold that against them! Instead, we have to find ways to combat it. Unsurprisingly, the key to getting rid of smells is vinegar! Just pour some vinegar in a spray bottle and spritz in the air! Don’t worry, the vinegar smell will go away along with your dog’s odor.

Looking to clean area rugs and carpets? Baking soda is a miracle worker! Just sprinkle a little magic powder on your carpet and let it sit for a few hours. Next, just vacuum, and voila! Your home will smell a lot better in no time. If you really want to go all out, put a sheet of fabric softener inside an envelope and slip it under your dog’s favorite couch cushion. Actually, you can take advantage of dryer sheets in many other ways!
Ultimately, the goal is to keep your condo fresh and your dog happy. And now that you’re armed with the tools, you’re definitely up for the challenge!
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This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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