4 Cleaning Tricks That Will Impress Your In-Laws | Clean My Condo in Toronto
If you’re here to learn about the 4 cleaning tricks to impress your in-laws, you’ve come to the right place! Because, when you’re living with your significant other, it’s inevitable that their parents will come for a visit. And whether you like hosting or not, there are some things you should be doing to get ready for the ‘big day’. Though your place may never be perfectly clean, there are a few simple last-minute things you can do that will give the appearance of cleanliness for those few hours!
Our Cleaning Tricks to Host The In-Laws:
Trick #1: The Bathroom
Even if you’re okay with an almost-finished bottle or bar of soap, it may give your in-laws the impression that you’re lazy. So, to give the appearance of being fully functioning humans, replace any almost-finished sanitary items ike soap and toilet paper, before they arrive. Not only will your in-laws be impressed by the stock of your bathroom, you’ll be living large after they’ve left!

In addition, make sure you empty your garbage can. As we mentioned in our other article about how to keep your bathroom looking clean, a full garbage bin can really trash the clean look you’re going for. At the end of the day, replenishing soap, toilet paper and emptying your garbage can are quick ways to give your bathroom the clean and uncluttered look your in-laws will appreciate!
Trick #2: The Smell
Maybe you have a cat, maybe you have a dog…or maybe your place just doesn’t smell that great. However, even if your home doesn’t necessarily smell all that bad, it’s time to pull out any scented candles or oil diffusers you’ve stashed away. Why? Because the smell and air in your home is the first thing people notice.

There are two general rules when it comes to choosing a scent: consistency and likability. In other words, refrain from mixing scents. Instead, stick to those that are light, seasonal and well-liked by the general public. So no, cinnamon won’t do. If you’re having trouble trying to think of which scent to use, check our aromatherapy article! Plus, if you want to add an extra oomph to the overall smell and aesthetic of your home, strategically place aromatic flowers near the entrance way or on the table. Not only will your in-laws be impressed by your décor, you’ll have flowers for the week to come!
Trick #3: The Kitchen
When it comes to cleaning your kitchen, you don’t have to go overboard. Instead, you should be focusing on a short list of key areas. For example, give more attention to surfaces that accumulate the most fingerprints and dust (A.K.A. the fridge, counter tops, handles and table). Just grab your favorite disinfectant or home-made vinegar cleaning remedy and wipe away!

Next, make sure that your sink and drying rack are clear of dishes. Whether your dishes are clean or dirty, having them sitting out in the sink or drying rack will make your kitchen look cluttered- especially if you live in a condo. So, put all clean dishes away and throw all dirty ones in the dishwasher. However, if you don’t have time or a dishwasher, stash the dirty dishes in a cupboard until your in-laws have left. They won’t know the difference, but they will know that your kitchen looks on point!
Trick #4: General Clutter
Clutter can be an issue, especially if you’re a maximalist. However, there’s a sure-fire way to get clean up your clutter before the rents arrive. Well, you have two options. Option one: organize the clutter. For instance, stack all loose books together, line up all discarded shoes, throw all pencils and pens into a cup- you get the picture.

Option 2: hide it! You heard right. Throw all that unwanted clutter into empty drawers and closets that your in-laws won’t be dipping their paws into. Voila, instant clean! When the ‘big day’ comes, use those few hours to enjoy your in-laws company, but more importantly- experience what minimalist living feels like.
Hungry for more?
This post was brought to you by Maid4Condos, a top-rated residential cleaning service dedicated to the people of Toronto. Maid4Condos has been a committed partner to the Toronto cleaning and construction scene for years, and continues to provide exceptional cleaning services to clients. Get a FREE quote & book your cleaning today or follow this link to learn more of what we’re all about!
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Written by Savannah Binder, Maid4Condos
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