15 Tips to Brighten Up Your Home or Office | Maid4condos

15 Tips to Brighten Up Your Home or Office

15 Tips to Brighten Up Your Home or Office
November 18, 2021

The fall and winter months can make spaces feel so dreary. It’s hard enough to adjust to the miserable weather and lack of daylight without working and living in dark and dingy areas. While it can be difficult changing to the woes of winter, there are some ways to make the rooms you work or live in a lot more pleasant. Here are 15 tips to brighten up your home or office.

How to make your home or office look brighter?

1. Use brighter light bulbs

While we all want to save energy, you should consider looking for a brighter light bulb to make your space more cheerful in the winter months. Different types of light can be cool or warm. Your local home reno center usually has a light bulb display that allows you to check out the different kinds of light. Choose the one that makes you feel happier and replace the bulbs in the rooms that could use some brightening.

2. Swap out your artwork

If you lack artwork on your walls or the artwork you have lacks colour, adding new artwork with lots of colours can do wonders to brighten up a space. Choose an image that makes you happy or art with colours that are more cheerful and bright. You’ll help create a brighter atmosphere with pops of colour around you.

3. Take out your window screens

Even if you open your windows in the dead of winter, there’s one benefit to the cold months we all love: No bugs: That means you don’t need your window screens. Screens can block out the light and make even rooms with lots of natural light seem grayer. Remove the screens and store them away until the bugs return in the spring, and you’ll be amazed by how much more daylight streams into your space.

4. Paint a wall or two

While this takes a lot more effort than our other ideas, a fresh coat of paint can make a world of difference to your room’s light. White walls are clean and crisp and open up a space, or you can go for something more vibrant to create an accent wall. Choose a colour that improves your mood, and you’ll love your area.

5. Do a makeover with slipcovers

If the furniture in your space is dark, it can dampen your spirits. Consider covering dark or worn couches or chairs with a lighter coloured or cheerful patterned slipcover. It can be your winter look, and you can remove them in the spring or decide to live with the new look until you get bored of it.

6. Add some toss pillows or throw covers

Accent your room or office with some colour using affordable toss pillows or throw covers. They can be placed on chairs, draped over sofa arms and even stacked in the corner of the room to add pops of lively colour that help improve the mood of the space.

7. Fill a vase with fresh flowers

Winter and fall are depressing because everything dies. Filling a vase with fresh flowers is a great way to bring colour into the room while also adding more life and a breath of fresh air. If flowers aren’t your thing, consider potted plants for bursts of lovely green that also help keep the air in the space fresher.

8. Lay down an area rug

Another way to add colour to a space is to lay down an area rug. If you have dingy carpets or dark hardwood, it weighs a room down. Bright rugs in lively patterns or sunny solids can break up the monotony of dark floors and even help reflect the natural light coming into a room. It’s also cozier underfoot on those chilly days.

9. Clean things up

Never underestimate the power of a clean, clutter-free space. Make an effort to declutter your space and keep things tidy. It just takes a few minutes a day to keep on top of the mess, and it will help keep your mind feeling calmer and your room seeming less like it’s closing in on you. You can also consider hiring the cleaning services many in Toronto use to keep things under control.

10. Hang airier window treatments

Heavy curtains and blinds, even when open, can make a room feel rich and dark. Consider hanging airier window treatments that are lighter in colour. This will allow more light to filter into the room, creating a soft light that lifts your spirits.

11. Light fragrant candles

Aromatherapy can perk you up. Although candles will bring light into the room, it is the scent that can boost your spirits. Choose fragrances such as lemon or citrus, lavender, cinnamon, peppermint or jasmine to provide a sense of well-being and rejuvenation. Just watch out for dripping candle wax.

12. Add warm metals

The trend for white metals has seen its final days making room for retro, warmer gold metals. Look for ways to bring gold into your space, whether picture frames, lamps, trim on tables, or a mirror. You’ll be surprised how a brass switch can affect a room’s brightness.

13. Clean your windows and mirrors

Keeping your windows and mirrors clean in the winter can also bring in more light. The sparkle of clean windows and mirrors reflects the light while also removing the filtering effect of dirt and grime on the windows.

14. Hang a mirror

Along the same lines as above, sparkling clean mirrors help make a room feel larger while also making the most of natural light. Hanging a mirror opposite windows or glass doors doubles the amount of natural light in the room.

15. Clear clutter from windows & sliding glass doors

You might not realize the clutter around windows and sliding glass doors could be blocking the light. Something like a bookshelf, tall lamp, or DVD tower can cast shade in a room. Keep your windows clear, and you’ll optimize natural light.

If you would like to declutter and clean your home to keep it brighter this winter, speak to our team about the cleaning services Toronto at (647) 822-0601 or contact us here.

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